About Me and Contact Info
I'm a Senior Software Engineer at Clipchamp at Microsoft, and develop the Minecraft mods WorldEdit, WorldGuard, and CraftBook in my spare time. I also enjoy contributing to numerous Open Source Software projects, such as GatsbyJS which powers this website. I've got many years of software engineering experience, and enjoy deep diving into various technologies and optimising performance. If you're looking for a more in-depth view of my contributions to the Minecraft community, click here!
I can be contacted numerous ways online, here are a few:
LinkedIn: Maddy Miller
Email: me@madelinemiller.dev
If you would like to support the work that I do, I have a Patreon and accept contributions via PayPal, thanks! ❤️
Note: If you need help with WorldEdit, WorldGuard, or CraftBook, please join the Discord, rather than contacting me.