Hi, I'm Maddy (me4502)
I'm a Software Engineer/Computer Scientist from Queensland, Australia.
I'm a Senior Software Engineer at Clipchamp at Microsoft, and develop the Minecraft mods WorldEdit, WorldGuard, and CraftBook in my spare time. I also enjoy contributing to numerous Open Source Software projects, and enjoy deep diving into various technologies and optimising performance. If you're looking for a more in-depth view of my contributions to the Minecraft community, it's available here!
This website is home to a portfolio of things I have done, as well as a showcase of a few experiments I've done over the years. I also enjoy technical writing, and quite frequently publish blog posts. Check a few out here!
Recently Updated Posts

Posted on Feb 23, 2025
You have probably heard about shaders in Minecraft, but what actually are they, and is Java or Bedrock better for them?

Updated on Feb 18, 2025 | First posted on Nov 28, 2020
In category Minecraft with tags Minecraft Servers, Java, Explainer, Performance
There has been a fair amount of talk about how upcoming versions of Java will improve Minecraft. What's coming and how will it change things?

Posted on Feb 1, 2025
In category Programming with tags Explainer, Retrospective
I self-published an eBook, and found it to be a complicated process compared to tooling for software engineers. This article goes over the process and my thoughts around it.